
所以在今天難得悠「閒」的下午,我不停的repeat播放這首歌,試圖要聽出幾句歌詞來找出這首歌的出處。嗯...荼毒大家的耳朵了~"~不過雖然聽了幾百遍,也拼湊出幾句歌詞,但就是找不著這首歌> <


這裡一定要提一下找歌的過程。因為店內CD是日本主管帶來的,沒有外殼,只能從CD上得知這專輯叫「Woman~It's just for you」。也就是說,這是一張合輯,並非同一歌手的專輯。然後從音樂檔案上可以看到的歌名是用日文片假名寫的,很好,我沒學過片假名所以不會唸 ="=...然而偉大聰明又有心的Roger老師一個字一個字查出所有假名的唸法,這首歌的完整面貌終於揭曉~

這是瑞典歌手Jessics Folker在1998年所出的首張同名專輯《JESSICA》中收錄的歌曲,How Will I Know who you are 」

I don't know how
Or where to start
Here we're standing again
And I see now
From where we are
That our road has come to an end
Though we've come this far
I don't know why
But I still can´t see who you are

I don't want you to cry
Don't want us to say goodbye
But I know that we're falling apart
I don't need your lies
And if you don't sympathize
Tell me how will I know who you are

It's too late now
We've gone this far
To see what's hidden within
Though we said that we'd never part
Maybe I've been trying too hard

To believe in love
I don't know why
But I still can't see who you are


Don't worry
I promise
It's for the better
So I think we should let it go now
And maybe we will find love again

感謝Roger ^ ^


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